Rant One (Motivation & Ideas)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

I've gone to see The Social Network again today. To my surprise, seeing it for the second time inspired a renewed feeling of motivation to do something grand. Create something original. That got me thinking about the whole 'idea generation' paradox. It seems to me, that great ideas don't come from the same kind of motivation as most people believe they do.

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Here's what I mean. The movie has ended with the following phrase: "Mark Zuckerber is the youngest billionaire in the world." And what does that make you want to do? Make a billion bucks! Although for some this may be a good enough motivator to build a business model, for others it will be a mental block towards creating something cool. I believe that if you're basing your business on a particular idea, which doesn't revolve around making a huge tonne of money (at least initially) and focuses on giving people something new and interesting instead, you will go far in that business.

So suppose you put the whole money issue aside... what then? Where's the idea? The problem is that there are too many existing ideas and projects in the world. Coming up with something mildly creative and original is a great challenge nowadays. You go about your day constantly thinking "I need an idea! What can I do?!", which in itself is a mental block of sorts. But whenever you do have an epiphany, research usually reveals previously existing patents/businesses/communities who have analyzed and digested your idea in a million different ways. You're left with another no-go idea...

Now, let's suppose you do come up with an idea. One that's worthy enough to pursue it further than an imaginary light bulb above your head. What's next?

  • How do I get started?
  • Do I need funding?
  • Can I do this myself?

There are many methodologies to starting a business, but most importantly though, you have to DO IT and do it NOW!

If you wait too long, you lose the initial excitement about the idea. Time passes and you completely forget that you had an idea in the first place. You have to take the first step! Invest yourself and create something. Whether you fail or succeed, personal satisfaction that you receive upon completion is simply priceless.

I guess what I'm trying to get at, and the main problem that I personally have, is the fact that being motivated and having an idea (which sometimes can be the hardest part) is usually meaningless without some definitive physical action on your part. If you don't do anything about it, nothing and no one will ever do it for you. So pick your ass up and go get your business loan or file a patent application! Stop being lazy!

So what's new with you?


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